17 Smart Ideas About Building More More Sales

  1. You can have the best product in the world, but if you can’t sell it, you’ve still got it.
  2. Nothing happens in business unless and until somebody sells something.
  3. A happy customer buys more.
  4. Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune. –Jim Rohn
  5. Profitability is driven by Sales-Building: You don’t make money when you buy the merchandise you make money when you sell the merchandise.  
  6. Appetizers or desserts aren’t on your menu because they fill up space, they’re there so you can make money by selling them. You don’t buy a drill because you have a drill collection; you buy a drill because you need a hole.
  7. The reasons people buy a product changes even if the product does not.
  8. A sale isn’t a sale until you collect.
  9. Cash is hard to get and easy to spend.  Make it before you spend it.
  10. Don’t treat sales like your mother-in-law; you know you have to put up with her but you’d rather not. Focus on building sales everyday
  11. If you’re not out selling, you’re being outsold.
  12. What if we train our people to sell and they leave? What if we don’t and they stay?
  13. Teach your team how little you make before you teach them to sell more
  14. The law of business gravity is pretty simple: if you don’t sell stuff, you’ll crash to earth.
  15. The competition is the customer.
  16. Every product that doesn’t get sold is a triple cost. You pay to buy it and you pay to store it and then you pay to either send it back or throw it out.
  17. Get our best-selling book Fundamentals to learn over 80 more ways to build more sales.

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