“Leadership is at its best when the vision is strategic, the voice persuasive, and the results are tangible. You need to lead, manage, and coach. To be excellent, you have to do all three.” –Unknown As a result of all
+Sullivision will be adding a series of awesome non-foodservice and non-training-related goods to this section of our website in Fall 2015. Stay tuned for more insight and ideas!
+The customer is why. What if someone knocked on your door tomorrow morning and said “I want to pay for your mortgage, car payment, kid’s tuition, weekly groceries and next ten vacations!” That’s your customer. Make happy those who are
+This exercise can help supervisors, managers and leaders clearly identify their high-performers, low performers, training priorities and the “deadwood” on their team… Ask your supervisors/managers to picture their entire team, from the highest paid to the lowest paid, from the
+1. Mindset: “We’re a Catering business that is also a restaurant” 2. Make Platters/Box Lunches/Catering a line item to discuss at every manager meeting 3. Require 30 catering-related calls or contacts per week by managers and archive 4. Know your
+By Jim Sullivan, Copyright 2014 Sullivision.com “It is better to know some of the questions, than all of the answers.” –James Thurber This month’s column will offer no answers to your biggest challenges in the next year. If you’re lucky.