Having a bad reputation as a place to work is like a hangover. It takes a while to get rid of and makes everything else suffer. –Jim Buelt I have written often about the importance of making hiring THE most
+“At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.” –Larry Bossidy, CEO AlliedSignal The marketplace for foodservice labor is both highly competitive and very crowded. Statistics offer hope: the current Millennial Generation is some 80 million
+You can’t build a pyramid from the top down. A house without a foundation will not stand. And any business without fundamentals firmly entrenched and dutifully executed can wither and shrink as small as the period that ends this sentence.
+Developed by Multiunit Leadership author Jim Sullivan and the industry’s premier elearning company, DiscoverLink, MultiU 2.0 is an award-winning and dynamic development tool for your new and veteran multiunit leaders and GMs. Whether you’re wanting to enhance the skills of
+Restaurants don’t close because they run out of cash, they close because they spent their money on the wrong things. While making money is pretty darn important, sometimes losing less money is just as key. Here’s a short list of
+We are drowning in information and starving for knowledge relative to leadership. And no area is fuller of white-noise than employee incentives, contests, recognition and rewards. What’s the best way to get exemplary behavior from your team? Even the best
+A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn a reputation by trying to do hard things well. –Jeff Bezos, Founder, Amazon.com What’s a tougher industry to successfully operate in, foodservice or retail? Which industry
+Imagine a soccer game, basketball game, football game, volleyball game, or hockey game where there was no pre-game communication from the coach, no game plan, no shared roles or goals. Well The Shift is a foodservice or retail manager’s daily