First it was a global pandemic back in 2020. Close on its heels came a staffing shortage and labor crisis that still rages unabated. (Where the heck did all the people go, anyway?) And now the foodservice industry is getting
+“Hospitality starts with the genuine enjoyment of doing something well for the purpose of bringing pleasure to other people. Whether that’s an attitude, a behavior, or an innate trait, it should become a primary motivation for coming to work every
+A P&L is a history document. It measures the past. You make or lose money in real time during The Shift. Think of The Shift as a car and the Pre-Shift Meeting as the engine that powers, drives and steers where that
+A P&L is a history document. It measures the past, which you can’t do anything about. Where you make or lose money, where a manager attains or fails to attain a bonus, is during the shift. That’s where real-time profitability
+Imagine a soccer game, basketball game, football game, volleyball game, or hockey game where there was no pre-game communication from the coach, no game plan, no shared roles or goals. Well The Shift is a foodservice or retail manager’s daily
+Cleanliness. Fact: you sell more in a clean restaurant. Friendliness. Happy teams sell more and make customers happy. Happy customers buy more. Training builds confidence. Confidence builds sales. Teach servers product knowledge daily via pre-shift meetings to help them feel
+We work in a chaotic industry whose success—or failure—is determined by pennies earned or pennies lost on a store by store, period by period, and shift by shift basis. So here are some quick and effective tips, tricks, and techniques
+There’s an old saying that says “Most business owners would rather buy a new motor than fix the hole in the boat.” And this certainly rings true when it comes to foodservice operators and neighborhood or local store marketing. We
+Menu merchandising between server and customer is a complex skill and an art that is commonly misunderstood, hastily taught, and challenging to learn. Selling is a complex, not a simple, process. It’s tougher than a one dollar steak. There are